lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

A diary?

In wirting I have to write a diary O.o I don't like it :( but i have to....

Sometimes there are a lot of homeworks but if i like it i do it and if i dont like it...i do it to ! hahahaa

My last unit blog :(

This is my last blog of this unit, because as you know this is a homework for me hahaha !
Iin this unit I have to write 9 blogs and this is the 9th.

This blog is gonna be dreams ;D!

  • FLY! over a rainbow
  • Found a island like "eden" and go to live there haha !
  • Have a famous rock band
  • Swimm with sharks :O! 
  • Make a movie
  • That my movie comes famous 
  • Have an oscar :D!


I have a pet in my house, is big, blonde, and makes a LOT of noise....Its a dog and his name is GODAR!

Yeah, like the Jimmy Neutron's dog. I don't choose this name but my brothers do it for me. He is a really good pet and dog but is so big! and when you play with him he will kik you down hahaha ! my dog is so mad with the people that he don't know...And is also a guardian dog :D!

Steps to write a blog

Here are some steps that i've found to write a blog, I don't say A GOOG BLOG but a blog :D!

  1. You have to open a "" acount
  2. You have to think in what you're gonna write
  3. Here you can write abou ANY TOPIC THAT YOU WANT
  4. Don't care about if its too long or to short. Is a blog....a blog is a "thing" when you write what you want 
  5. There are NO RULES!
  6. Star writing...the ideas will comes naturaly
  7. As you can se now, you are writing a blog :D!
  8. When you are done you just have to save it 
  9.  THIS IS IT!
  10. I hope you understand my point....WRITE !

My clasmates

I love my classroom! my classmates my school and everything, This year is my LAST year in the school :( this is sad but at the same time is so exiting. In my class all we are really good friends, my closer friends are "la celula!" haha sometimes we maybe lost time but we also are making memories....I would never forget this year. It is amazing and i dont want to go out of my school :D!

Movies :D

A movie is the best way to get involved in a hole situation, like in a horror story or comedi or whatever. I really enojoy to see movies, I don't have any favorite kind of movies. I love the Lord of the rings, harry Potter, lord of war, hangover, fast and furious, van helsing, constantine and a lot of movies. I think that twilight is a good and a really bad movie at the same time. why? juswt because a vampire is supossed to be a scary creature, not a lovely one :S! the changue everything but at the same time the movie has a good story so I like it. Today there are a lot of movies that are just remakes of the old movies...I think this is not good but there is...


I LOVE INTERNET! and all of this things of computers and blablabla, but i also HATEE THE SLOW INTERNET I don't know why but when the internet is going so slow I prefer to turn off the computer just because I don't wanna get mad this day. Is so so so so so SO ANNOYING because you have to wait like 3904823490328490238432908403209840 hours just to see a 2:00 minutes video. Or to load a picture ...I don't like it. I wish that someday the slow internet could disapear :D!

My pc goes bad :(

I like a loot to be hanging out in my pc with some internet web pages like youtube, twitter etc etc, I spend a lot of time seeing some tutorial videos about songs or experiments, also with twitter tweting some interesting twettts haha :D! but one day I was on youtube seeing videos and outside it was a horrible storm. So a thunder come and makes a lot of noise and when I return to my pc my pc doesn't work anymore :( I don't know what happened but I'm so sad because it :(


Today the phone that almost everyone want to have is a Blackberry, this is just because the Balcberry messenger (bbm) I think...but people if you don't have a blackberry don't buy it...Not the curve one is a slow phone and the batery is not good. the bbm is sometimes slow and is a so simple phone without any interesting app....I think you should buy an android or iPhone these phones are betters. Is just a point of view and an advice. :D

I'm sick

Today I dont go to school because I'm sick i have a really annoying stomachache and headeache I dont know why but I think is because eating food on the streets. This food is so nice but sometimes is so dirty too, the food that I'm talking about its like the chevers, tacos, "churrascos", gauchitos or wathever...So im sick and I hate it ..,