viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012


A group of young people since 1978 founded the Iga soccer team... hahaha
My friends and me recently made the school's soccer team. We started to train and we made some game.
We win our first game so we decide to get in the Alkaseltzer cup.

We loose the first game and In the second one 1-1 so now we have to work hard to get into the next round.
We have to make 10 goals in our final match. Its difficult but not impossible, I hope we can made it...we'll see

Turtle Pet

I Have 3 turtles as pets! i love they.
I like the way they swimm like fishes haha! but wierd, i dindn{t know that the turtles can swim that way but I recently found it on internet. I also find that per every LITTLE turtle, your tank has to have as minummun 10 Litters.

I have 3 turtles now, but I don´t know if they are male or female so I can't name any turtle :(
I read that you can know the sex of a turtle only when they are grown....


Well lets talk about  F O O D, what kind of food do you prefer?
Personally I really love the lassagna, it is my favorite food.
I also love the sea food like a "ceviche" or shrimps. On junk food I love to eat pizza, specially dominos.

In drinks i like the pineaple Juice, and junk food the coca-cola, I prefer coca than pepsi, always better haha!

Amm... Thats it bye

Other diary day

Ok, well today I wake up and take a shower, I don’t know why but I woke up so so tired and I don’t want to go to school. So I turn on the car and went to school. In the school was a normal day, teachers, classmates and all of this.
Then I came to my house, eat lasagna (my favorite food), then I fall asleep like 1 hour and then I went to the gym. Before that I just go to bed and sleep.

Home-made Big Mac!

One day, i went to my girlfriend's house and we were houngry, so days later we found a video on Youtube of a McDonald's cheff who explain how to made a big mac with home ingredients.

So we decide yo try, and we start making the secreat sauce, then the rest....

30 MINUTES LATER... We ate the big macs and it was delicious, we were proud of our hamburgers :D!

Maybe I could be a Mcdonald's employee :DDD

Talent show

Today was the school's talent show! and i play guitar with Javier, who sings the song that I was playing. This song was "amuleto" of "El gordo" a really good Guatemalan singer. I love his songs that are kind of simple but at the same time are kind of complex and complicate.

you sould hear him, you can find his videos on Youtube, search it as "El gordo xela" and you'll find his music.

July 3th, a good day

TODAY WAS A REALLY GOOD DAY! In the school we had an “Dia de campo” it was SO FUN! We make a rally throw water to each other and some things that was so so so fun! With my group of seminario we sell cupcakes (like 65) and Barbecues or “churrascos” (65) and we recollect a lot of money for our project! Today was a good day! Good night!